The lead-up to this trip was not as straight forward as one would have liked. The southern Wild Coast resorts were being hit by a crime wave that was making news reports on a daily basis. People were cancelling their bookings and generally things were not looking good for the area, especially just before the festive season.
Long story short, a decision was taken to carry on with our adventure as planned with everyone in agreement. We agreed that as long as we kept in a tight convoy, we would not bee seen as an easy target and rather left alone. It certainly worked for us and we all had a great trip over the 8 days that we were there.
From the first meeting point in Kokstad, we headed for The Haven Hotel in the Cweba nature reserve. We were there for two nights which gave us time to venture out during the day to explore the local surrounding areas. Fortunately for us, they also had good TV reception which really did suit us for the Bokke vs Wales test match. Naturally, the Bokke won in style.
From the Haven, our next stop was at a place called the White Clay. This is a small establishment set on the cliffs of the coast with a fantastic 180 degree view of the ocean, waves pounding the coastline below us to the far away horizon. Again, it was a two night stay here, allowing us to venture out to the Hole in the wall, Coffee bay and a few magical viewpoints. We also got to view the baby hole in the wall that not many know about or get to view.
The following morning it was breakfast at a Backpackers in Coffee Bay before heading further north to a place called Fourie’s Camp. A very neat and tidy self-catering place with a good swimming beach right in front of us. And of course, what would staying at a coastal resort and virtually on the beach be without a Crayfish braai? It was an awesome two days spent watching the surf and the passing Dolphins.
Next up was Silaka nature reserve in Port St Johns for a night. This is an amazing scenic coastal spot with a great view of the whole area from the air strip set atop the highest hill in the area. The air strip also doubles up as a drag strip which we used to test the 4x4’s. Not telling who won.
From Port St Johns, it was on to our last destination at Mbotyi river lodge, with good close up sea and estuary views. Like the Haven, it was a B&B stop over with excellent meals and very comfortable facilities.
It was an awesome trip with a really nice group of travelers, together for the few days. We did some good off-road driving with fantastic scenery along the route. It was enjoyed by all. The people of the Wild Coast were very friendly and accommodating towards us. At no stage did we in any way feel threatened by anyone or that we were not welcome.